Dear Friends of Mexico Ministries:

The Apostle Paul warned that “the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil,” and he was simply echoing what Jesus said: “Beware, and be on your guard against every form of greed.” (1 Timothy 6.10, Luke 12.15) Anytime we take medicine we learn not only about its benefits, but are also warned about possible negative side effects, and that’s the way with most things in life. We are constantly weighing the pros and cons in all sorts of decisions we make.  But the spiritual disease of greed is all negative with no positive outcome whatsoever. It begins with an insatiable desire for more and leads to lying, stealing, cheating, robbing, and sometimes even death. It can destroy friendships, marriages, and families. 

Jesus continued his words with a parable about a rich man greedy for more. He decided to tear down his barns and build larger ones to store his harvest, and said to himself, “My soul, you have many goods laid up for many ears to come. Take your ease, eat, drink, and be merry.” But, Jesus said, God said to him, “You fool. This very night your soul is required of you and now who will own what you prepared?” Greed, Jesus shows, is a dead end street.

God’s way, in contrast, is a path that grows brighter and brighter until the full day (Proverbs 4.18). Jesus taught us to, “lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth where moth and rust destroys and where thieves break in and steal.” (Matthew 6.19). 

The success of missionary endeavors is directly tied to the hearts of people who choose generosity over greed, and God promises great reward for such an attitude and actions, both in this life and the life to come. I keep a close watch on this heart of mine and guard against the disease of greed. My whole ministry has been one of being a conduit through which God’s people bless those in need, and I am so grateful that for nearly half a century the Lord has connected me with people of generosity and compassion who seek first the Kingdom of God. My prayer is that the Lord himself protect us all from selfishness and greed, and equip us all to continue being a blessing to his people in Mexico. Thank you for your decades of friendship and support.

God bless you,

